Creating a Space for Women in the Financial Industry with Ashley Sullivan

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Episode Summary:

Welcome back to The Empowered Planning Podcast. As we celebrate Women's History Month, I want to dive deeper into the world of women and money, and not just how we spend our money or how we invest our money, but also looking into the financial industry itself. I have a long time friend of mine, Ashley Sullivan on the show today. She's been advising clients since 2007 and spent about 13 years between Fidelity and Schwab as a financial advisor. One interesting thing that came up when Ashley and I were talking before we recorded the podcast was about her experience as a part of women’s collective for an organization that she worked for in San Diego and how she was trying to get more women a seat at the table so they could have these open conversations and dialogue about money . And at the time, the questions were often directed at how they were able to have a thriving career in finance as a working mom. What really struck Ashley in that moment was, if the roles were reversed, and these were men, would they be asking how they were able to do it all as a father? And the answer is a resounding no.

So what Ashley and I talk about through the episode is how good it is to realize how much work that we've all done, but the importance of taking a moment to stop and look at ourselves and to really own and step into that power that comes with bringing each other along on the journey and start asking for the things that are going to lighten the load for us because we deserve it. Yes, times have shifted, but the cultural background hasn't shifted with us. So I am delighted to bring her on today to dive into this needed topic.


  • Ashley’s experience working in the finance industry in Manhattan in 2008 and how this was a catalyst for her move to San Diego to be a part of Fidelity.
  • The advice that Asley has for working moms who are going through a harder season when they feel like the weight of the world is on their shoulders
  • The importance of having a mentor in your industry that you can have honest conversations with, especially around the harder parts of being a working mom
  • How the COVID era was a turning point for Ashley and so many other moms who work in corporate
  • The need for more women to join the conversation around money, especially when it comes to investing
  • How Ashley’s work is helping women have more of a voice in the financial industry, especially around investing
  • A mindset shift and plan for if you feel behind and why a financial plan is the perfect place to start

About Ashley:

As a Senior Wealth Partner, it’s Ashley’s job to help you create a better financial life. She will collaborate with you to help build a plan defined by your goals. She is committed to providing advice unique to your situation that is clear, relevant, and actionable, and she’ll work hard to find solutions and strategies that are right for you.

Connect with Ashley:

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