Unpacking Your Money Baggage

podcast Oct 23, 2023

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Episode Summary:

Everyone’s money culture in their home is unique and it creates different perceptions and behaviors that they take with them as they grow older. This is the same culture that creates big emotions that arise when you have to create big financial decisions. So what do you do with those feelings? That’s what I want to talk about today – unpacking your money baggage. I’ll share a little bit about my own money story and how it affected me, then I’ll move into the different forms of fear that come up around money and how to overcome them. Then, stay tuned for next week when I’ll cover the six money blind spots that are commonly showing up in many people's lives! 


  • Shinobu’s own money story and how this informed her financial decisions as an adult

  • The different ways that Shinobu has seen people think about money 

  • What heuristics are and the role that they can play in making financial decisions

  • The different forms of fear that come up around money and how to overcome them 



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